In the next update for the Hornet, we will introduce two new AGM-88C HARM modes: Pre-Briefed (PB) and the Pull Back sub-mode for the Self Protect (SP) mode. The Pre-Briefed mode allows you attack ground-based radars at long range based on a coordinate and target-radar type using either aircraft (A/C) or missile (HRM) lofting. The Pull Back sub-mode allows you to override the Self Protect mode when locked onto by a hostile ground-based radar to engage with non-HARM weapons.
Radar Codes:
EWR 1L13 S 101
EWR 55G6 S 102
SAM SA-10 S-300PS SR 5N66M CS 103
SAM SA-10 S-300PS SR 64H6E BB 104
SAM SA-11 Buk SR 9S18M1 SD 107
SAM SA-6 Kub STR 1S91 6 108
CP 9S80M1 Sborka DE 109
SAM SA-10 S-300PS TR 30N6 10 110
SAM SA-11 Buk LN 9A310M1 11 115
SAM SA-8 Osa 9A33 8 117
SAM SA-13 Strela-10M3 9A35M3 13 118
SAM SA-15 Tor 9A331 15 119
SAM SA-19 Tunguska 2S6 19 120
AAA ZSU-23-4 Shilka A 121
SAM SR P-19 S 122
SAM SA-3 S-125 TR SNR 3 123
Rapier FSA Blindfire Tracker RP 124
Rapier FSA Launcher RT 125
SAM SA-2 TR SNR-75 Fan Song 2 126
4 months ago 00:12:42 1
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