Ilya Glazunov was a Russian artist from Saint Petersburg. He held the title of People’s Artist of Russia. Ilya Glazunov’s paintings have mostly historic or religious themes. Famous works include Russia the Eternal, The 20th Century Mystery, The Ruining of the Temple on Easter Night, and illustrations to the works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov — the greatest artist of our time, portrait and landscape, creator of monumental historical paintings, book illustrator, Master of Theatre and Decorative Arts, artist-architect.
Author of more than three thousand works. Social activist, educator and teacher. Full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, a member of the Royal Academy of Arts in Madrid and Barcelona. Founder and rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov (1988).
Holds honorary titles and awards: People’s Artist of the USSR (1980.) Order Vishnu (Laos) Prize. Jawaharlal Nehru (India), the Order of St. Michael (Portugal), a gold medal «for his contributions to world culture and civilization» (UNESCO), the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh (1999) and St. Andrew Rublev (2010), a complete gentleman «Order of Merit» and others. Creator patriotic club «Rodina» (beginning. 1960), the one of the organizers of the All-Russian society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture.
Author of «The Road to You» (1965-1966) and «Russia Crucified» (2005).
A Conservative Russian Lion With Real Mass Influence – The Painter Ilya Glazunov
Using images, Russia’s most popular artist has touched millions with his arch-conservative ideas about monarchism, patriotism, the need for a new Russian nobility, the fraudulence of democracy, the crimes of Bolshevism, and much else.
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5 months ago 00:44:25 1
Документальный фильм «ИЛЬЯ ГЛАЗУНОВ. ВОПРЕКИ»
5 months ago 00:36:30 1
Илья Глазунов. Какую тайну скрывает гибель жены художника