Spiral of Life - Anna Miarczyńska //Adult Colouring Book FlipThrough

Hi Everyone, The artist says: The Spiral is one of the oldest symbols in the world. Let’s not be deceived by its simplicity though. It conceals an extraordinary wealth and depth of meaning. We find it in many cultures, across every era. It was carved, chiselled or painted on rocks for thousands of years on every continent. It’s a beautiful symbol of the rhythm of life and of human spirituality – it’s universal and multidimensional. I express my fascination with the spiral theme in my work. It came about slowly, gradually over the years (which explains the variety of styles). Now, gathered together and presented on the pages of this book, they are my invitation to You. Let’s enjoy this creative process together, have fun, experiment and observe Nature meaningfully – her secrets, natural phenomena and laws. The book is published in the form of a block with tear-off pages. Inside you will find 20 portraits of women with spiral motifs in the background. The book can be purchased from
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