Bobby vs Magnus: Dream Game

Let me give a brief analysis of the imaginary game between Magnus Carlsen and Bobby Fischer. 1. e4 e5: This is a common opening in chess known as the “King’s Pawn Opening.“ White immediately controls the center. This opens lines for the queen and bishop to do their thing. 2. Nf3 Nc6: Here we have more standard openings known as the “Italian Game.“ The knights are developed. Control over the center is contested. 3. Bb5 a6: This move is called the “Ruy Lopez“ after the Spanish bishop Ruy López de Segura. The bishop attacks the knight, forcing it to move or be captured. 4. Bxc6 dxc6: Fischer chooses to capture with the pawn on the previous move, giving him a central pawn majority. Black also has an isolated pawn on the c-file, but it is not necessarily a weakness at this point in the game. 5. O-O Bg4: Both players have castled their kings to safety. Black is attacking the bishop on g4, but White can easily defend it by moving the bishop to e2. 6. h3 h5
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