Pops in Seoul - Seung-ri (Gotta Talk to U), 승리 (할 말 있어요 (Gotta Talk To U))

Subscribe to Arirang World! This is the title track of Seung-ri’s second solo mini album, ’Let’s Talk About Love.’ It’s a hip hop track with a dynamic rhythm that’s about ’love,’ which is the theme of this album. When you listen to it, you’ll feel as though you are discussing love with the artist. 두 번째 솔로 미니앨범 ’LET’S TALK ABOUT LOVE’타이틀곡 승리가 처음으로 프로듀싱에 참여한 ’LET’S TALK ABOUT LOVE’의 타이틀 곡 ’할 말 있어요’는 앨범의 테마인 ’LOVE’에 대해 말하는 다이내믹한 리듬의
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