Marina Raye - Wolf Sister

About Marina Raye: I was born in the Congo, the third child of loving, dedicated parents. I was given the African name, “Mujinga“ which means “The Loved One.“ Ma and Dad loved classical music and taught me to understand and love it. When I was about eight, I had an unforgettable dream that I was playing music to a large audience, and I could feel the love flowing back to me from my listeners. My earliest exposure to music was learning to play our pump organ, while listening to the sounds of nature and distant native drumming. It was a fairyland setting, complete with tropical flowers, banana trees, deadly cobras and leopards. Life was full with rhythmic native music, exotic beauty and primitive danger. I loved it! Africa filled my soul with the magic of music. When I was ten years old, we left my beloved Africa and moved to America. I continued music lessons on the piano and classical flute. I continued dreaming of playing music, music that would enrich the lives of those who
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