Cats Millionaire - Spiders on the Web PMV

As the sun begins to rise after Luna’s night in Ponyville, she reflects; struggling to understand her life through the spectrum of a Nightmare Night tradition. Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 2 Episode 4 - Luna Eclipsed. MP3 DOWNLOAD: See the rest of the ERS04 (Episode Response) Toastbeard here: LYRICS What are we, But disgusting things, Thrown back in to the tangle? When we fall, How many points do we receive? What are we worth? Who knows? If there was an answer We can’t remember. It feels like we’ve been hanging here In this web forever But still... Here we are Spiders on the web, Together. Pray tell What purpose do we serve? The eight-legged sister To a goddess, Who can only show up to scare Ponyville But still... We’re not weak like them and We won’t die like them and We’re
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