Katherine Pierce x Elena Gilbert || Power

“I hope you enjoyed the little show I put on for you...“ Please watch in 1080p HD and recommend wearing headphones to experience the better sound effects... “(Katherine: Bye-bye little girl!) Hold up!... My turn... (Elena: Have a nice human life, Katherine!) I make this look easy, tick-tick boom, like gasoline-y Yeah, they call me Lamborghini, ’cause I know just what I’m worth“ Making this video was a stupendous experience for me, bringing the all, not all but most of the “Katherine x Elena“ thing, it was really awesome. I need to say this I adore Nina, she’s an accomplished actress playing the four different characters who are from different eras, starting from Amara (crazy pants) the first immortal woman of the 1st century, Tatia (Exquisite beauty) the first Petrova doppelganger of 10th century, Katerina (Psychotic Doppelganger, Evil Vampire Sl*t, Queen of Hell, etc...) second doppelganger of 1473 and Elena (Warrior princess, Stone cold b*tch, Human blood bag, etc...) third doppelganger of 1992. I love
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