Q&A 450: Cannabis & Testosterone, The Most Filling Foods, Tom Brady’s Workout, & More
News Flashes – Follow Ben on Twitter for more…
1. Recreational use of cannabis can cause lower levels of testosterone and poorer levels of sperm morphology: Effects of recreational cannabis on testicular function in primary infertile men. …9:11
Recreational cannabis users tend to be more likely to use alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and have poor eating habits.
2. The more you chew your food and eat foods with hard textures, the less likely you are to overeat: Texture-based differences in eating rate influence energy intake for minimally processed and ultra-processed meals…15:50
3. Foods that will fill you up the fastest: A satiety index of common foods.
Recent study of four foods typical of a Mediterranean diet: Effect of Gazpacho, Hummus and Ajoblanco on Satiety and Appetite in Adult Humans: A Randomised Crossover Study
4. Although it is true that 150 minutes of exercise per week at low intensity is associated with benefits for many adults, this may not be true for a substantial portion of the population who need to go HARDER to see similar results: Separate Effects of Intensity and Amount of Exercise on Interindividual Cardiorespiratory Fitness Response and Refuting the myth of non‐response to exercise training: ‘non‐responders’ do respond to higher dose of
During our discussion, you’ll discover:
Q: Does Ben still take C60 supplements and has his perspectives evolved on C60 supplementation?...45:00
Q: Ben and Jay’s thoughts on taurine supplementation?...63:04
Q: Is there danger in stopping a supplement, for example, taurine or caffeine?...68:25
You can check out the full episode page and show notes at:
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