ЕГЭ Английский - Говорение, задание 2

Обзор второго задания раздела Говорение ЕГЭ по Английскому языку (Устная часть). Рекомендации по успешной подготовке к заданию №2 и разбор различных вариантов вопросов, которые можно задать к рекламному объявлению. Уроки английского языка по Skype Мой instagram: Моя страница в vk: Моя страница в facebook: Сообщество в vk с разбором отрывков из фильмов и сериалов: location - Where is the ………… situated? Where is the ………… located? dates for departure - When does the trip start? facilities - What facilities does the …. have? breakfast included - Is breakfast included? discounts (for...) - Can you suggest any discounts (for...)? Do you have any discounts (for...)? Are there any discounts (for …) ? special offers - What special offers can you suggest? What special offers would you suggest? What special offers do you have? number of … - How many … do you have? How many … are available? working hours - When does the … work? What are the working hours? price list - How can I get a price list? online booking / buying - Can I book / buy a … online? Is it possible to book / buy a … online? diversity of … (разнообразие) - What …. do you have? … card - Could I get a … card? guest passes - Can I get guest passes for my friends? quality of the … - What is the quality of the … ? time they need to … - How much time do you need to … ? if they work / provide / … ? - Do you work / provide … ? most (popular, …) … - What is /are the most (popular, …) …? free Wi-Fi - Is there access to free Wi-Fi? Do you have free Wi-Fi? price for … / entrance fee (плата за вход) / tuition fee (плата за обучение) - How much would it cost for …? How much does it cost? What is the price for…? What is the entrance/ tuition fee? How much is the tuition? services they provide - Could you list me all services that you provide? What services do you provide? warranty period - How long does the warranty period last? entertainment programs, personal trainings, local museums, a parking lot… - Are there … in / near your … (shop, fitness club, …)? Do you have … in / near your …? if one can take photos … - Can I take photos … ? Is it allowed to take photos…? length/ duration of … (course, film, tour…) (длительность чего-либо) - What is the duration of …? How long does the … last? number of students/ people in a class/ group - How many students/ people are there in a class/ group? equipment for rent (skates, skis, bicycles…) (снаряжение, оборудование напрокат) - Can I rent … ? ways to get… (to the mall, museum…) (как добраться…) - How can I get to ...? What is the best way to get to…? membership in a movement/ club/ organization (членство в движении/ клубе/ организации) - How can I join … ? What do I need to do to join …? How can I become a member of…?
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