Elongate the muscles and open the hips for beautiful splits with these 3 simple stretches. 🙌 Access more professional ballerina guidance for unlocking your full fitness potential with our Black Friday Bundle 🖤 Learn more at
Of course, achieving splits takes time, but it also takes proper guidance. Find out how to do these 3 simple stretches and when to do them so that you can start working with your body instead of against it and finally achieve the middle splits. 😉
🔹 In today’s workout, you’ll find:
00:00 Intro
00:28 Black Friday Ballet Bundle
00:45 Exercise 1: Hamstring and calf stretch
04:45 Exercise 2: Releasing deep hip stretch
07:50 Exercise 3: Pigeon pose for splits
All three exercises are nice and simple stretches that will work your muscles in a way to build flexibility and get your body ready for the perfect splits. 😍
Ready to join me? Meet me on the floor for this quick, 12-minute splits practice!
Be sure to let me know how this workout goes for you in a comment below! 💬
And don’t forget to hit subscribe for more ballet fitness workouts 👆
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✴CoFounder/Performer/Writer: ✴
✴Alessia Lugoboni ✴
✴CoFounder/Cinematographer/Cameraman/Editor: ✴
✴Iacopo Di Luigi ✴