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Marie Lohr (actress) is among the entertainers in attendance at a 1917 garden party
Full Description:
SLATE INFORMATION: The Theatrical Garden Party
Title: Owing to the large number of visitors it was very difficult to move about.
GV. Crowds at garden party.
Title: Miss Marie Lohr sells Mr. Arthur Playfair a buttonhole.
SCU. Marie Lohr putting flower in Arthur Playfair’s buttonhole.
Title: Miss Gaby Deslys telling “Secrets“.
SV. Gaby Deslys standing between two men on platform holding out slips of paper. (2 shots)
Miss Marie Lohr
Mr. Arthur Playfair
Mlle. Gaby Deslys
Personalities - Performers
entertainer, entertainment, actresses, actor, actors, film, cinema, films, celebrity, celebrities
Background: Marie Lohr (actress) is among the entertainers in attendance at a 1917