Official Lady Gaga Flashmob Tacoma WA

At approximately 7 p.m., an hour before Lady Gaga’s concert was to start down the street at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma WA, a flashmob begins to dance in Tacoma’s Tollefson Plaza, orchestrated by Vik Chopra, president of DNF Media Management. They performed to a mash up of Lady Gaga’s hits “Bad Romance,“ “Poker Face,“ “Telephone“ and “Just Dance.“ Mob Director/Producer Vik Chopra Assistant Producer Monique Revet Choreographer/Sound Sean McGarity Choreography Laurie Ann Gibson Videographers/Photographers Cait Bornicke Abigail Bornicke Rachel Brightside Cozbi Hultz Jeff Cains A-Team Dancers Vik Chopra Nicole Lockett Natalie Bell Lindsay Johns Melissa Pascua Rickey Mayor Donors Patricia Blok Ralph Brenner Tim Eannarino Devin Glaser Karen Lamble Matt Liechty Astrida Mattson Erin McCarger Rachel Pruett
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