You are IMMORTAL! 32 FACTS! Science and the Bible!

1. You are unique! Your body stores information about your past, present and future. 2. Your DNA is a kind of “historical document“ that records where you came from, who you are and who you will become in the future. 3. The tools of modern genetics allow us to ask questions about your DNA about history and your origins. And it’s amazing!! 4. Your genome is the Creator’s encyclopedia. In digital form, its information would take more than 3,000 data storage devices with a capacity of 100 gigabytes each. 5. In the archives of human DNA, modern geneticists have found a lot of evidence of biblical history! 6. Based on the analysis of DNA mitochondria, it has been proved that all people on Earth have one foremother (mitochondrial Eve), as it is said in the Bible. 7. The information recorded in DNA says that the entire human race descended from one family (Adam and Eve) only 6,000 years ago. 8. The DNA of all mankind turned out to be almost the same,
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