I’m happy to introduce you to my latest creation. Shortcut Composer is a FREE plugin for painting application krita which adds complex keyboard shortcuts enabling to:
- Select brush presets and tools with Pie Menus
- Control sliders and other krita properties by sliding a mouse
- Assign multiple actions to a single shortcut
Download the plugin here:
Licensed under krita license GPL-3.0. It allows you to use and modify the plugin for free in both personal and commercial works.
00:00 - You can do - what?
00:26 - It’s a... Plugin! (I’m scared)
00:45 - Installing a Plugin in 15 seconds
01:00 -
... Unneeded further info that no one wants
01:22 - Pie menus
02:05 - Preset Pies are better than strawberry pies
02:14 - Configuring the plugin
02:29 - There are other Pies y’know
03:03 - Handling layers like a boss
04:09 - Layer previews
04:43 - Scroll undo stack
05:09 - Even more scrolling
05:48 - Multiple assignments
07:11 - Temporary keys
07:51 - What are you still doing here - go get it!Show more