Hannibal The Musical | Bad Bookkeeping (Lyrics)

Lyrics by: @seahorsetrash on TikTok Okay so you may be wondering: where’s the art? It’s coming eventually (at least that’s the plan) but it wasn’t ready today because the artist unfortunately injured their dominant hand/wrist and wasn’t able to continue working. They had a lot of cool ideas, so I promise to upload the official animatic as soon as I get it! For now, here are the lyrics with a few notes to help you understand what’s going on. I would like to point out a fun little detail that may get lost in translation. At the end, when the curtain close and the audience applauds, Will Graham... emerges from behind the curtain into his CLASSROOM! He is giving a lecture and YOU, the AUDIENCE, are the *students*. I just think that’s the coolest thing ever. Here are some ways you can stay updated on everything that’s going on behind the scenes: TikTok: @seahorsetrash Instagram: @hannibalthemusical If you’d like to help keep this thing running
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