Este video mostra um nocaute em cerca de 20 segundos de luta, com uma sequencia de duas meia-lua de compasso. capoeira é Dança ...?? capoeira é Arte ...!!capoeira é Mandinga ... !!CAPOEIRA É LUTA !!!
NOT! This video is for the ones who question the effectiveness of Capoeira! If Lyoto Machida found a way to use his Karate in MMA I’m pretty sure Capoeira can also be used effectively in the sport, specially if you consider it’s unorthodox style of striking! I’m sure someday there will be a Capoeira specialist
2 weeks ago 00:01:00 1
Ученик Нурмагомедова против Фёдора Емельяненко
2 weeks ago 00:01:00 1
Ты непобеждённый ОЛИМПИЙСКИЙ ЧЕМПИОН! Но если против тебя Майк Тайсон, у тебя НЕТ ШАНСОВ #shorts