British M.P’s In Kenya (1954)

Githinguri, Kenya. Documentation on file. Various shots of Walter Elliott British of Health, speaking to gathering of Africans at Githinguri. GV’s of a prison encampment for Mau Mau. Various shots of the MP’s talking with prisoners and inspecting the camp. A.V. of the Marigat prison camp. Air to air view, of a Piper Racer in flight. MS. M.P’s playing with a tame baboon and game ranger Tom Salmon. MS. Native building a shack. MS. M.P’s shaking hands with local chiefs. MS. Elliott shaking hands with Mrs. Breckenbridge. LS. Piper Racer taking off. MS. M.P’s inspecting crops, grown by prisoners. MS. Primitive irrigation methods. LS. Prisoners working on their crops. LS. Native military band marching at slow-march before the M.P’s. MS. Prisoners amusing themselves with swings and see-saw. LS. Natives digging a trench using primitive tools. (Lav.) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASS
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