It Begins… States Unite🔥More Troops to Texas, Abbott Thanks governors, Biden Vs Texas Migrant Crisis

US Immigration. More Troops to Texas (1 Batallion National Guard and State Guard members to Texas border). Texas Border Battle. Texas prepared in ‘unlikely event’ Biden federalizes National Guard. Border standoff between Texas, feds intensifies as governor defies Supreme Court ruling. Texas arresting Migrants. “This is not over,“ Texas Governor Abbott said in a social media post. Despite the U.S. Supreme Court siding with the Department of Homeland Security to allow federal border officials to cut state-installed razor wire along the Rio Grande, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and state Attorney General Ken Paxton said the larger legal battle between Texas and the Biden administration is far from settled. Texas keeps adding Razor wires. Texas state Law Passes Allowing State Police to Arrest Immigrants. The Texas House passed legislation earlier making it a state crime to illegally cross the southern border, empowering state and local police to arrest and in some cases
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