Unissued / Unused material.
Title reads - ’Women at war’.
Various shots Lebanese women preparing antisubmarine nets and steel helmets. Various shots of Royal Navy officer showing women how to construct and repair netting. M/S as the women work on steel hawsers. M/S as they roll huge floats used for supporting submarine nets. M/S as they paint the floats. Various shots as they roll out nets. Various shots as Russian women make bread and cakes for the army. M/S as smoke comes out of chimney. Various shots of the women making bread and cakes. They wheel the crates outside. M/S as the crates are taken off on sleighs. Various shots of women workers inside a Soviet munitions plant. Various good shots as the women make the munitions.
M/S women herding enemy soldiers into shed with pitchforks. M/S’s as a female nurse drags a soldier through the snow. C/U of the nurse getting out bandages. Various shots as guns fire and explosions go off around them. M/S as a nurse carries a wounded man to safety.