Din nou se aude strigăt de război - (Romanian Folk Song)
“Din nou se aude strigăt de război“ (A war cry can be heard again) is a folk song written and sung by Nicolae Furdui Iancu.
The lyrics are based on country history.
Romania is a country that throughout history has been invaded many times and used as a buffer state between the great European powers in different periods.
The first who invaded the modern territory of Romania was the Roman Empire at the beginning of the second century (back then Romania was Dacia) the Dacians are considered the ancestors of Romanians. Between the 6th and 10th centuries, the Slavs (Bulgars, Serbs, Croats) migrated to the Balkans, and the Huns (Hungarians) migrated to southeastern Europe.
In the 13th century, the Mongol invasion of Europe took place, which greatly affected the Romanian Principalities because they didn’t have consolidated state formations, which led to the destruction of most of the cultural evidence of writing and language.
Between the 14th and 15th centuries, the Romanian Principalities (Moldavia and Wallachia, -Transylvania being part of the Kingdom of Hungary-) had numerous wars with the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of Hungary and Poland. Most of them were with the Ottoman Empire. Romania is ’’considered’’ to be the most successive state in the wars with the Ottomans, by having the most battles won. By the end of the 15th century, Moldavia and Wallachia had become vassal states of the Ottoman Empire, and by the middle of the 16th century, Transylvania had also become a vassal state after the Kingdom of Hungary fell.
In 1599 Michael the Brave tried to unite all 3 Romanian Principalities into one country but because the country was positioned between 3 great powers such as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Ottoman Empire and the Hapsburg Empire it wasn’t able to survive for long and the country broke into 3 Principalities again and became buffer states between the 3 great powers in that period later buffer states of the Russian Empire as well. Transylvania, compared to Moldavia and Wallachia, has been part of the Austrian Empire since the end of the 17th century.
In 1812 after the Russo-Turkish war, won by Russia and which ended with the treaty of Bucharest, the Russian Empire decided to divide the Principality of Moldavia which was a vassal state of the Ottomans into 2 pieces and the eastern part of the principality to become the territory of the Russian Empire and the Russians called that region Bessarabia.
In 1859, Wallachia and western Moldova united and created Romania, and then in 1878 had become an independent state.
After the WWI after the country was in a very critical situation fighting on 3 fronts against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the German Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria on the side of the Entente, the miracle that the Romanians have been waiting for centuries took place. After the Bolshevik revolution, Bessarabia broke away from Russia and it united with Romania. After the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bukovina and Transylvania also united with Romania (1918).
For the first time in the recent history, all the Romanian historical regions were united and formed Greater Romania.
This lasted until 1940, when Romania was forced to give most of the territories won after WWI without ordering the army to fire a bullet. Romania took this decision to avoid the tragedy that first took place in Poland in 1939 and to maintain its independence. Due to its position, the country risked being invaded by Germans, Soviets, Hungarians and Bulgarians.
However, the Romanian people managed to survive being the only Latin country that survived in this area of Europe.
’Our best friend is the Black Sea’ is a Romanian saying because the sea is the only neighbor who didn’t try to invade the country.
Currently, the biggest enemy of Romania is Russia due to the situation in the Republic of Moldova.
’Din nou se aude strigăt de război’ este un cântec popular scris și cântat de Nicolae Furdui Iancu.
Versurile se bazează pe istoria țării.
România este o țară care în istoria sa a fost invadată de multe ori și folosită ca un stat tampon între marile puteri din regiune în diferite perioade cum ar fi Imperiul Otoman,
Imperiul Habsburgic/Austriac iar mai târziu Imperiul Austro-Ungar, Uniunea statală polono-lituaniană și Imperiul Rus.
Toate teritoriile românești au reușit să se unească cu patria mama în 1918, dar în 1940 am fost obligați să cedăm majoritatea teritoriilor câștigate în 1918 pentru a evita tragedia care a avut loc în Polonia în 1939 și pentru a ne menține independența. Țara risca să fie invadată de către Sovietici, Germani, Unguri și Bulgari.
Chiar și așa cu o istorie întunecată românii au reușit să supraviețuiască fiind singurul popor latin din Europa de est.
În prezent cel mai mare dușman al României este Russia datorită situației din Republica Moldova.
#romania #moldova #folk #song #history #NicolaeFurduiIancu #cantecpopular #folcloric
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