Trains in Lyon (Metro, Tram, Tram Train, Rhone Express, Funicular)
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You can check the city trains in Lyon.
0:00 : Metro / MPL 75 (3 cars)
1:48 : Metro / MPL 85 (2 cars)
2:49 : Metro / MPL 85 (2 cars)
3:50 : Metro / MPL 85 (2 cars)
5:14 : Metro / MPL 85 (2 cars)
6:43 : Funicular / Saint Just (2 cars)
7:15 : Funicular / Saint Just (2 cars)
7:49 : Funicular / Fourviere Type2 (1 car)
8:20 : Tram / Citadis 402 (7 cars)
8:41 : Tram / Citadis 402 (7 c