[Night 1] Modeling and Describing Behavior along Multiple Behavioral Dimensions

February 3, 2021 Processes are a key application area for formal models of concurrency. Petri nets shaped both research and industrial process modeling languages, tools, and analysis techniques like no other discipline from basic model syntax up to automated discovery of process models from event data. The most adopted model-driven techniques are centred around describing and analyzing the control-flow of a well-structured process instance in isolation – within this single dimension one could argue the case to be “solved”. Unaddressed challenges in modeling and analysis arise where processes are not well-structured or not isolated from each other. In both cases, a single process model can no longer adequately describe process behavior. Taking recorded event data from such processes as a starting point, I will outline and develop a number of challenges and characteristics of such processes that can be observed in practice. I will discuss how the behavior of such processes can be classified along different d
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