Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney OST - SNES Remastered w/ Bonus Tracks

Download Link: Well, here’s this. Unfortunately, my original plan to upload the remastered Ghost Trick OST will have to be put on hold for a while. There has been a massive takedown purge recently with the game being rereleased soon, and pretty much nothing Ghost Trick-related stays up for more than a few days without being removed. Though I’m sure this will change in the near future, I’d much rather be safe than sorry for the time being. That being said, the OST is pretty much complete, save for 6-7 more complicated pieces, and will hopefully be out soon. Without Ghost Trick, I figured I could finish giving the Ace Attorney series the SNES treatment. Going from the orchestral compositions of the Investigations games to the much more synthy Apollo Justice was definitely a challenge, but I’m pretty happy with how everything turned out. As is pretty common knowledge, there are many tracks from this
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