The youngest stayer and his pacemaker (Germany,1928)

This highly entertaining docu was an item of the weekly news bulletin of the German production company Emelka (Münchener Liechtspiel Kunst, MLK). This Emelka Woche (Emelka week) was shown in the German theaters during the 1920’s and early 1930’s. I made this video file from a 35 mm nitrate copy that came in a little box with the text “Filme fürs Heimkino“ (films for the home cinema). My theorie is that these news reports were given a “second life“ after the short period they were shown in the movie theaters. After they were expired they were put in these boxes and sold for home use in small 35 mm projectors. I date this film to 1928 because in one of the scenes a poster shows an announcement in the Rütt Arena on sunday october 7. The Rütt arena was build in 1926 and it bankrupted after a fire in 1931. Between these years, october 7 1928 fell on a sunday.
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