How to Build a Langstroth Hive - 8 Frame Bee Hive

For the full overview and cut list of how to build an 8 Frame Langstroth Hive check out our blog post - Building a beehive is one of the most rewarding woodworking projects. We built several 8 Frame Langstroth hives for our bee yard (apiary) from materials at the local lumber store. While the 10 frame hive is more commercially accepted, the 8 frame hive can be made efficiently from 8’ boards. By following our cut list, you can make 4 boxes from 3 8’ boards and build beehives cheaper than you can buy! We built the brood boxes, honey supers, solid bottom board, inner cover and a fancy gable outer cover. Just add bees! Video Summary Building Beehive Boxes with a box joint jig - 0:00 Cutting Beehive Handholds - 1:20 Building a Solid Bottom Board - 3:30 Building a Gable Outer Cover - 4:09 Building an Inner Cover -5:17 Cut List for the project is here: https://www.r
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