I have no enemies (timestamps + spotify playlist)
spotify playlist URL:
0:00 - Medafiziks -- No Enemies
3:17 - My Pain Is Constant and Sharp
6:18 - Windspeaks - Uyama Hiroto
10:47 - Instupendo - Comfort Chain
13:51 - Bôa - Duvet
17:15 - Dclofi - Aruarian Dance
20:40 - Alex G - Mary
23:58 - Genrix, CORBAL, Shiloh Dynasty - novocaine
27:14 - Shibuya - Witness
28:42 - Øneheart, Antent, Owsey - searching for you
30:21 - Current Joys - Fear
33:56 - Gibran Alcocer - Idea 10
#playlist #timestamps #song #bestplaylist #music #vinlandsaga #ihavenoenemies