Sexual Orientation, Sexual Fluidity, and the “Born this Way” Myth: Dr. Lisa Diamond

Lisa M. Diamond is a psychologist and feminist. She is a professor of developmental psychology and health psychology at the University of Utah. Her research focuses on sexual orientation development, sexual identity, and bonding. Lisa holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University (Human Development, 1999) and a B.A., from University of Chicago (Psychology, 1993). She is best known for her 2008 book, Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women’s Love and Desire. In this book, she discusses the fluidity of female sexuality, based on her study of 100 non-heterosexual women over a period of 10 years. In this podcast, we discuss why the idea that LGB people are “born that way” does not match the scientific data; instead, sexual orientation is a complex blend of nature and nurture. We then talk about the phenomenon of sexual fluidity--a topic that Lisa has become an expert on. #LisaDiamond #SexualOrientation #LGBTQ #Bornthisway #SexualFluidity If you’ve enjoyed this content, please subscribe to my channel! Support me throug
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