Anonymous - Message to the Media #opMegaUpload EN

6697 #opmegaupload VOSTFR Citizens of the World, We are Anonymous, We require your attention On January 21st 2012, a rumour has been launched on the internet, according to which our group would very soon attack services such as Youtube, Facebook, or even Twitter if Megaupload wasn’t entirely reestablished within the next seventy-two hours. This rumour, which has been spread by numerous medias without having previously checked their sources, is unfounded and in complete disagreement with our principles. We are against the brutal shut down of Megaupload. Millions of users, throughout the world, have been deprived of their access to their own legal and personal files, that they need, among others, for their professional life, because the FBI took hold of it. Anonymous is opposed to any attack against the medias, which constitute one of the most vital expression ways of a democracy, and that we defend. Bes
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