Snow Night on Window at Coffee Shop Ambience with Relaxing Smooth Jazz Music and Snow Falling #2

Snow Night on Window at Coffee Shop Ambience with Relaxing Smooth Jazz Music and Snow Falling #2 #coffeeshopmusic #winterjazz #relaxingjazzmusic ---------------------------------------------------- “Coffee Shop Ambience“ is a relaxing instrumental with a jazzy feel. — This video features a relaxing jazz music playlist. The songs range from easy to listen to more upbeat and energetic. Music is available on Spotify and Apple Music. — In this video, we will look at jazz music, which is the most popular form of African American music. This type of music has its roots in the blues and its main instrument is the saxophone. — Jazz music is a musical art form from America. It consists of a combination of African and European music and was performed in the early 20th century. Jazz is characterized by improvisation, syncopation, and complex time signatures. — Jazz is a musical style that originated in New Orleans, USA, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Jazz
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