No title - Trailer - Export or die.
M/S of an animated house, its door becomes a mouth which turns down at the corners to show it is unhappy. It shows the cartoon family inside, dad sits in a chair reading the newspaper and smoking a pipe, he has a very small radio next to him and wants a new one. Mother sews a big sheet by hand, she wants a new sewing machine. Their daughter sits in her bedroom and looks glumly at her dressing table, she wants new beauty products. We then see the new things being exported, they turn into money to buy food and raw materials such as timber.
The narrator explains that we must make these sacrifices for the things we need. It then shows what would happen if we did have the things we want. M/S of dad looking happy with a new wireless until his pipe and newspaper disappear and his chair goes from under him. Mother has her sewing machine but nothing to sew. The daughter has her cosmetics but no roof over her head. The whole house collapses. Their luxuries fly away to be ex
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