I will try to make subtitles for this (ok it should be already there. UGGGGGHHHHH it was annoying work).
I HIGHLY recommend to turn them on if you cannot understand german or russian. Everybody probably knows this fairy tale. But this video is almost like a movie inside your head, you have to imagine everything to the music. This is difficult if one does not understand what it is about, especially later when all the other fairy tales start.
was working on this the last three days and now it’s done! First of all, sorry for mistakes, it’s just impossible to spot them all, and to have a perfect recording after such a short time. There are some really mean and unplayable passages due to bad orchestra reduction. Also, some technical challanging parts appear. This work can be seen as a summary of almost all techniques Rebikov had until 1907. It is a very complex work, there are a lot of different themes which appear in different variations at different parts of the work.
Roughly one can say that there are 3 acts: The introduction of characters and the anger of the queen to the princess snow white, then the well known story of her death and the gnomes, and in the end her ’resurrection’ and the marriage with the king (i know, hunter, all the other fairy tales etc etc, it was a rough summary).
There will be not enough place here for a very detailed summary of beginnings... so I will select important passages.
0:16 Start
1:12 Dance of the Queen
4:10 First appearance of snow white. This motive corresponds to her in the whole composition. It appears often.
5:18 Queen is jealous
5:42 First appearance of the Prince.
7:02 Little negros present coffee, wine and fruits.
10:09 Oriental Dance I.
11:22 Oriental Dance II.
12:44 The Hunter
14:10 The Hunter grabs Snow White and the Queen is happy and laughs
14:42 Forest
17:19 Gnomes
21:20 The Hunter and the Madonna
24:56 The Hunter wants to give the Queen a Heart of a deer to betray her
26:19 Forest - Atmosphere
28:21 The Personification of Freeze appears
32:30 Mysterious figure (spring) appears who wants to save snow white
34:53 Fairys of the Forest (nice waltz)
37:17 Dance of butterflies
39:06 Dance of the lily of the valley
41:10 Waltz of roses (Main Theme gets introduced)
46:17 Spring disappears (Continuation of main theme)
Story goes on:
47:55 Snow white wakes up
50:09 She enters the cave of the gnomes and eats
56:17 The Queen is disguised as apple vendor
56:50 Snow White eats and falls to the ground
58:20 Funeral March of the Gnomes
1:00:20 The Prince sees the dead princess
1:02:08 The Prince lifts her from the coffin
1:02:27 She wakes up
1:04:04 The love of them to each other
ACT III. The Marriage of The Princess
1:05:40 Introduction
1:07:15 Which guests will appear?
1:07:41 Fairy appears
1:09:00 Struwwelpeter
1:10:00 Little Red Riding Hood
1:11:43 Human Eater
1:13:12 Liliputian King
1:14:09 Puss In Boots
1:14:56 The Witch arrives on a broom
1:15:38 Frog Prince
1:16:30 The Marriage Dance of the girls (AMAZING PIECE!)
1:19:52 The Marriage Dance.
1:22:13 A little reminiscence-coda-waltz
END. A music-psychological mime.
(After that I might take some days of with uploads haha)
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