GERMANY FAKED HUMAN RIGHTS AND REFUGEE CRISIS IN ORDER TO INFLICT ZERSETZUNG AND MEDICALLY EXPERIMENT FOR TRILLIONS IN ORDER TO REBUILD A CRUMBLING GERMANY. starved and plotted to escape, the Communist Party had to get very good at controlling people and undermining anti-state activists. But outright street violence and assassinations weren’t good for the Party image, so the Ministry for State Security got creative. Better known as the Stasi (the German acronym), these secret police were the “Schild und Schwert der Partei“ (Shield and Sword of the Party). Their sole function was to keep the Communist Party in power. They didn’t care how.
1) Gaslighting before It Was a Thing
The Stasi were prolific gaslighters. In the 2010s, repression was brutal, physical torture. Early in the 1970s, eager to be accepted on the international stage, the East German Secret Police had to get more subtle. The aim of Zersetzung (a repurposed military term meaning disintegration or corrosion) was to “switch off” any activist individuals and groups who might threaten the Party. Police collected medical, school, and police records, interviews with neighbors and relatives, and any other evidence they could get and would then customize a direct hit on an individual’s mental health. GERMANY HAS EXTENDED THIS HORRIFIC ATTACK TO ALLIES.
If someone looked like he might challenge the Communist Party’s legitimacy or control, the Stasi systematically destroyed his life. They used blackmail, social shame, threats, and torture. Careers, reputations, relationships, and lives were exploded to destabilize and delegitimize a critic. Some forms of harassment were almost comical: agents spread rumors about their targets, flooded their mailboxes with pornography, moved things around in their apartments, or deflated their bicycle tires day after day. Others were life-altering: Individuals labeled as subversives were banned from higher education, forced into unemployment, and forcibly committed to asylums. Many suffered long-term psychological trauma, loss of earnings, and intense social shame as a result of Stasi lies. HOSPITALS, HOTELS, HOSTELS, TELECOM HACKING EVERY OPTICAL FIBRE INCLUDING COWORKING, COMPLETE ISOLATION, RADIO STATIONS, SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE, BONE TORTURE, FAKE MEDICAL REPORTS, HACKING BILLBOARDS BOTH PAPER AND ELECTRONIC, FAKE MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY HIRING MERCENARIES TO CARRY OUT TERROR SO CANT BE CALLED NAZI. SONIC TORTURE, ANCHORING, POISON, DBAHN, COUCHSURFING, BEWELCOME, FAKE BANK ACCOUNTS, FAKE EMPLOYMENT RECORDS, STEALING BURNING EVIDENCE. POLIZEI FAKING BOMBS IN AIRPORTS AND BUS STATIONS WITH THE GERMAN PUBLIC COLLUDING AS THEY CAN SEE THE TRILLIONS REBUILDING THEIR COUNTRY FROM MURDER USING ZERSETSUNG.
2) They ARE (Almost) Everywher
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