Youth Fountain “Fallen Short“

Music & Merch: Director and DP: @CameronNunez Production Assistant: @stuckwithmel Grip: Otto Gaiser Follow Youth Fountain: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Fallen Short Lyrics When was the last time I had a purpose? Will I make it out alive as a better person? Cause I’m still falling down this steep decline It’s one step forward, two behind I’m the last pick to be chosen Do I want the love I see on the level surface? That’s my delusion Where the hell are you now? Where the hell are you now? Most days it’s like there’s no one out there The one that got away fucked me up, left me to rust I ruin all that I touch And just like that it’s all gone Fallen short because I’m never enough Something tells me you never even noticed It’s been seven years a
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