Alice Goes to Motherland - Night Hunter (Official Lyric Video)

Find on every streaming platform: Have you read Dante’s “The Divine Comedy”, the part about Heaven? Never do - I t’s soooo boring! The real Heaven should be the place where all the deadly sins are finally a thing those good souls can practise daily! A party that is always on. And “Night Hunter” comes as a perfect soundtrack to this. Like our music? Great! SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW US! Listen to more songs, download and share! Help us take over the world by a few quick clicks on the links below 🖤 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: FOLLOW US: VK: Instagram: YouTube: STREAM: Apple Music: SoundCloud: Spotify: Yandex Music: Deezer: Bandcamp: BUY: iTunes: Google Play: Amazon: #rock #rap #alternativerock #rapwoman #rockwoman
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