Highly Accurate Drawings by: Samuel Hofman (via Remote Viewing) 🎯💯 Planets of our Twin Solar System

HIGHLY ACCURATE DRAWINGS of our TWIN SOLAR SYSTEM - Part 1 1978 - Samuel Hofman discovered that we actually have a BINARY TWIN SOLAR SYSTEM (2 sets of planets & 2 suns that cross paths approx every 3654 years).🎯 1980 - The U.S. government forced Sam to sign a 30 year non-disclosure agreement to not discuss or disclose the information about his discovery 🤫 2009 - The planets of our TWIN SOLAR SYSTEM officially arrived within view 🤩 2010 - Official disclosure of our TWIN SOLAR SYSTEM - Sam’s non-disclosure agreement ended and he created his “Montana Sky Watcher“ group on Facebook as well as his “Sam Hofman“ channel on YouTube 😎 2015 - Sam started using a skill known as “Remote Viewing“ or “Far-seeing“ to visualize the locations & colors of the planets, moons, asteroids & even crafts from this other solar system..🧐 To date - There’s well over 100 drawings in all.. Each drawing has been proven to be undeniably accurate..🎯 *Over the past 3 years now there have been thousands of comparisons created.. (that’s where we take sky pics from all around the world and line them up side by side with these drawings and every time they match right up) *Based on how accurate his drawings are,, there’s truly no question that Samuel Hofman is “connected“ with this other solar system & what we’re seeing in our sky..🥰 *A new drawing is released the 15th of each month..😬
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