Can I Learn To Draw - Getting Started

Can you learn to draw? How good can you get at art? I’m starting at age 38 with my first drawing class ever. The video covers the first 4 months of my practice. I am currently taking Proko’s Figure Drawing Fundamentals course. This video shows my practice of gesture, the bean, structure, robo bean, landmarks and the beginning of the mannequinization lesson. At the start I was really frustrated because I thought my drawings were not turning out as they should. So you will see that I am jumping around quite a bit ... including drawing random things that were not in my lesson. After getting my first drawing critique, I was able to settle down and stick to the lessons. This is when I started seeing the most growth. Tip: Looking back at the drawings that I thought were so terrible ... they don’t actually look as bad as I thought. If you are learning to draw as well, keep your practice so that you can judge your progress, but also so you can look back and see maybe you are being too hard on yourself. Relax and enjoy the learning. Some of the initial practice sheets are not shown as they were thrown out. But from now on will be showing every practice sheet. My goal is to get very good. First starting with learning how to draw properly with figure drawing. I will be taking paid classes, because I need to maximize the little time I have. I will share what works, what doesn’t, which classes worked and didn’t, my successes and failures will all be on display. My Drawing History: Growing up I drew when I was bored. It was never a real passion, but I did have a few drawings that I was proud of in high school. Having said that, my brother was still better than me. At the beginning of this journey I thought because I could draw better than my kids I would have a leg up. Not so. It was difficult. I almost quit. Drawing random pictures, some of which you see in this video are totally different from figure drawing and more academic drawing. But I’m determined to become a good draftsman and then go on to adding digital and color. Can I learn all of that at age 38? Let’s find out. I hope you join me for this journey.
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