Chinese government returns after Second Sino-Japanese War ends (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit General Chiang Kai-shek leads people to a shrine as he returns to power in China after Japanese occupation ends in surrender Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Return to Peace in the Far East CHINA: Jiangsu Province: Nanking: EXT CHINA. Chinese people return to Nangking, shots of Chiang Kia She leading people to the shrine, shots of people praying, China Second Sino-Japanese War, Nanjing Regime, New China, invasion, control, China, Japan, occupation, surrender, war, conflict, battle, civil, government, Generalissimo Background: General Chiang Kai-shek leads people to a shrine as he returns to power in China after Japanese occupation ends in surrender FILM ID: VLVAAS1OBTXH99Y3GM324MIE6OBIQ To license this film, visit
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