Facebook under massive DDoS Attack, on June 20, 2014 (FaceBook继续遭到大规模DDoS攻击,2014年6月20日)

Facebook on massive DDoS Attack on June 20, 2014. Main origins of the attack come from China Mainland, targeting Facebook worldwide nodes, especially those in USA and Hong Kong, along with CloudFlare. This 30-minute video is only a glance of the attack, which is recorded from . That attack is ongoing when this video is posted. 2014年6月20日,Facebook继续遭到来自以中国大陆为攻击源的大规模DDoS攻击,此次攻击的主要目标是Facebook的全球站点,以美国和香港站点受攻击量为最,同时互联网服务商Cloudflare也遭到攻击。以上30分钟的视&
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