[PS4]Resident Evil Reveations: Ghost Ship Chaos Trinity Bonus (Solo) (32:28)

I wanted to do a proper GSCTB run since I got the Thunder Raptor. I did a number of runs but they were for farming . II part, so I wasn’t concerned about the run itself. I will upload one of those runs soon. With this one, I wanted to do a speed run with Rachel and I wanted to use the Thunder Raptor. One problem with Rachel tho, she has a penalty with dodging. If you’ve watched my earlier videos where I do full burst, I dodge Ghost Norman couple of times before he enrages. So I decided to do dual High Roller Light Weight instead of using High Roller II as Ghost Norman enrage-r. I haven’t tried it with High Roller II but I assumed it would be wasting more time and being too careful. The result was nice as you can see in the video. I might attempt to do it with High Roller II in the future since it enrages Ghost Norman much faster. I did make couple of mistakes in this video where this run could have been a minute or two shorter. Hopefully I can cut the time down in the next video and still be using
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