These are some scientists who have undergone a detailed study about quran in terms of science, as a result of their studies they found that there are so many scientific facts described in the quran which are discovered in late nineteenth century, so they confirm that these book is a revelation from the one true God.
3 weeks ago 00:01:01 1
Не относись ко всему как к данности…#напоминание #коран#сунна #ислам #истина#юсуфабузакария#юсуф#топ
1 month ago 00:59:23 2
Кураев: “Я вам скажу, что будет дальше“. О патриархе, Трампе, Эрнсте, большом обмане РПЦ, Навальном
1 month ago 00:30:28 1
British Muslims Unashamedly Defend Child Grooming Pedo Cult Islam | Arul Velusamy | Speakers’ Corner