Mr. President - Coco Jumbo [2018] Vinyl

The greatest hit of the ’90s. Song from the compilation “Empik VinyLove - 90’s“ Signal chain: Ortofon OMB 10 → Dual CS 530 → Sony TA-F650ESD → Creative Sound Blaster Z Cover photos - our authorship. We want to reach a wider audience - Recommend, Comment, Share - this increases the reach. Do you like what we do? Do you want to buy us “Coffee“, so that we have more energy to create new content? We have launched additional support ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Największy przebój lat ’90. Utwór ze składanki “Empik VinyLove - 90’s“ Kolejność sygnału: Ortofon OMB 10 → Dual CS 530 → Sony TA-F650ESD → Creative Sound Blaster Z Zdjęcia okładki - nasze autorstwo. Chcemy dotrzeć do szerszego grona odbiorc&
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