How does PSI really effect your board? Follow Ryan as he shows you the effect PSI has on your stand up paddle board.
Let’s start at 17PSI. You’ll see the Sea Gods logo at the waterline. As we reduce the PSI, the waterline begins to move to the middle of the logo and the stability begins to be effected. Down to , we see the board just isn’t as buoyant as it is at the higher PSI ranges. Once we hit 12PSI, water is beginning to pool at Ryan’s feet and the overall effectiveness of the board drops. At 7PSI the nose and tail are beginning to rock with every stroke, despite the board feeling hard. A
...nd finally, at 1PSI the board begins to fold in half and has almost zero efficiency. There is a reason we give a suggestion of 14-20PSI. Only the best for Sea Gods stand up paddlers!
Board featured:
Carta Marina ULF (CAD) -
Carta Marina ULF (US) -
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