Просто качайте бёдрами, чтобы похудеть. Танцуйте, чтобы подтянуть женский корпус и живот.

I prepared special exercises for you. You can train your female core muscles to lose weight with easy movements while you are having fun. Just swing your hips! By doing this movement with me, you can have fun training female core muscles. Let’s aim to have a nice body! Solve various troubles of women and make you feel comfortable! 02:44 Exercise starts. Practice Imi’s Bigan yoga everyday with me and let everyone around you tell you “you look brilliant and never get any older anymore! “ [Please click here for collaboration and work requests! ] info@ Disclaimer: This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Your viewing, commenting or subscribing to this YouTube channel does not create a counselor-client relationship. The statements made about specific products, exercise or massage are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease or symptoms. Imi’s Bigan Yoga recomme
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