Leonid Desyatnikov – “Yiddish“, 5 songs for voice and string quartet (2018)

Concert “Yellow Stars“ dedicated to the memory of Holocaust victims. Leonid Desyatnikov – “Yiddish“, 5 songs for voice and string quartet (2018). 00:05 1. Varshe [Warsaw]. 04:27 2. In a hoyz vu men veynt un men lakht [The house where they laugh and cry]. 11:16 3. Ikh ganve in der nakht [Night thieves]. 14:10 4. Yosl un Sore-Dvoshe [Yosl and Sore-Dvoshe]. 18:30 5. Ikh vel shoyn mer nit ganvenen [I won’t steal anymore]. performed by Nadezhda Pavlova (soprano), Ensemble of soloists of the musicAeterna orchestra: Vladislav Pesin– violin, Ivan Subbotkin – violin, Nail Bakiev – viola, Alexey Zhilin – violoncello. Premiere performance in Russia. Recorded January 30, 2024 at Great Hall of philharmonia, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Концерт «Желтые звезды» посвященный памяти жертв холокоста. Леонид Десятников – «Идиш», 5 песен для голоса и струнного квартета (2018). 00:05 1. Варше [Варшава]. 04:27 2. Ин а хойз ву мен вэйн
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