
Giedre Naruseviciute - song idea, melody and voice. Kulwinder Sethi /KALI/- author of lyrics in Hindi language, Indian poet, philosopher. Agha Jeelani - author of suffix lyrics, Advocat, Supreme Court of India. Andrius Bernatonis - song suffix melody author , song arranger, recorded ’’Garso produkcijos namai“ . Arminas Cicenas - the author of song visualization. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - My love, you are my love, sweetheart, how could I live without you, tell me, my love? - O stranger, I don’t even know, whats in your heart... Its my World... These are the expanses of my happiness. Their transparency, like my soul , will not be polluted by anyone... - My love you are my love, sweetheart , my only one sweetheart, how could I live without you, tell me? - Ill came to you... - Its all what you did, all what you did...
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