How to get Furry Friends!

Foofi shows you how to get furry friends, all around the world, whether it be at a furry convention, or online! Advice may or may not be adviced to follow Huge thanks to all of our Patreons! TOP DONOS: Schottky, Prime Succ, Para GODBOOPERS: Wolf13, Akeloes, Beta Gadgets, Chad Escuridao, Melty, Ryazon, Sualkzin, Connor Malone, Volran Zebric, Skyla, Gow13510, Nezro_Mightyroc, Lazy Wolf, Max, MrFlowArt, Kyrrix, Mikayla / 8bitKittyCat, Preston DJ, Rocky Harmony, Dismalship787, SunlitWolf, Glitchdetector, Perc
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