Cadets of the Guards School English subs and translation

Russian Empire, circa 1910 Donate & Support: A funny military song composed by the cadets of the Nikolayevskoye Cavalry School (also known as “Guards School“) about summer maneuvers, where the basics of topographical surveys were studied and the acquaintances with local girls took place. The author and the exact time of the creation of the song are unknown, but most likely it is around the year of 1910. Some other cadet schools and military academies took the motive of this song as a model, composing their own versions. In this video, it is performed by Sergej Mazurenko. Portrayed by the White Guard Staff Rittmeister (Captain) Konstantin Nosov depicted when he used to be a cadet of the Nikolayevskoye Cavalry School. LYRICS (Original ones, slightly different from the video): Ѣдутъ, поютъ юнкера Гвардейской школы, Трубы, литавры на ​солнцѣ​ горятъ. ​Лейсь​, пѣснь моя Любимая! Буль-буль-буль, бутылочка казеннаго вина! Нашъ эскадронный скомандовалъ «Смирно!», Ру
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