FRANCE: President Wilson visits American Church in Paris (1919)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Woodrow Wilson attracts huge crowds as he visits the American Church in Paris. Full Description: FRANCE: Paris: MV car draws up though crowds and President Wilson steps out. SV crowd gathered round cars waiting. SV dignitaries get into car and drive off. SV crowd as cars drive . GV guards on horse back lead procession of dignitaries in horse and carriages down street, crowd lining the street. GVs crowd. GV procession of horse and carriages, flanked by cyclists down street lined with crowds. Horse and carriages followed by cars. Crowds break out and follow cars, troops marching behind cars. MV pan crowd. LS President and his wife wave from windows. LS crowd outside. fadeout and in on picture of President Wilson with ’Hurrah Pour Wilson’ logo Background: Woodrow Wilson attracts huge crowds as he visits the American Ch
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