Here is the Complete Video Build Guide:
After Testing and a lot of Frustration, the build is basically working good, but It is not a AoZ Build.
The huge Problem is, that meteor is just a terrible Skill vs the Bloodseekers.
The build will however work great in other contents.
Full Build Link including Items and Paragon
(Please note, Maxroll is bugged and does not Show skillpoints from Shako, So Some Skills are “red“)
Conceited Aspect: 25% Damage Boost while Barrier
Storm Swell Aspect: 30% Damage Boost with Barrier
Aspect of Shattered Stars: Additional Burning Dam
...age from Meteorites
Aspect of Control: 35% Big Damage boost to Stunned
Aspect of Shared Misery: Spread Frostburn Frozen CC
Aspect of Disobedience: Armor Boost
Vampiric Powers
Anticipation: 20% Extra Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
Accursed Touch: Inflict VampiricShow more