Diablo 4: X’Fal’s Meteor Build Testing Abattoir of Zir / AoZ. How Big Can We Push those Numbers?

Here is the Complete Video Build Guide: After Testing and a lot of Frustration, the build is basically working good, but It is not a AoZ Build. The huge Problem is, that meteor is just a terrible Skill vs the Bloodseekers. The build will however work great in other contents. Full Build Link including Items and Paragon ------- (Please note, Maxroll is bugged and does not Show skillpoints from Shako, So Some Skills are “red“) Aspects ------- Conceited Aspect: 25% Damage Boost while Barrier Storm Swell Aspect: 30% Damage Boost with Barrier Aspect of Shattered Stars: Additional Burning Dam...age from Meteorites Aspect of Control: 35% Big Damage boost to Stunned Aspect of Shared Misery: Spread Frostburn Frozen CC Aspect of Disobedience: Armor Boost Vampiric Powers ------- Anticipation: 20% Extra Ultimate Cooldown Reduction Accursed Touch: Inflict Vampiric
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